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I twitter that,and I found this website.The scammer Advertised here!And I found some guys was cheated by the best-steroid-shop! Just relax! I can read French,But I can't type it through my Mac.The Chinese government blocked some web.It's not easy to get in here.
I’m in China,I found someone else was cheated by the scam web Best-Steroid-Shop.So I have to stand out to share my story! I can not speak much French, Forgive me Please.
This Scammer stole from me €500+
Totally SCAM!Bloody SCAM!!! They will not ship anything to you!! Actually,They will...
I’m in China,I found someone else was cheated by the scam web Best-Steroid-Shop.So I have to stand out to share my story! I can not speak much French, Forgive me Please.
This Scammer stole from me €500+
Totally SCAM!Bloody SCAM!!! They will not ship anything to you!! Actually,They will...
Totally SCAM!Bloody SCAM!!!I should read your review earlier! It’s too late now! They will not ship anything to you!! Actually,They will disappear After receiving your MoneyGram! Numbers of Email be sent to him,But No response,No feedback,No goods! SCAM ALERT! Just ignore the 5 stars review...
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