La taurine

Oui j avais un bug nerveux à l œil ! Toujours la paupière qui clignote c est passé avec une cure de magnésium B6 !
Le Magnésium est dans les - - légumes verts
- amandes, noisettes,
- cereales complet
- certaines eaux minerales
( badoit boisson francaise avec le plus de magnesium 80mg/l ) j'en bois 1 part jour et sa me fait du bien pour la recup....peut etre du placebo !

En tout cas merci miss, JRC3PO et rom1 pour l'info !

Effectivement quand je suis fatigué j'ai un beug à l'oeil pendant quelques jours, je vais essayer une cure de magnesium !
a mais oui le magnésium tu vas voir c'est radical, tu vois vraiment la différence, moi je faisais des crampes aux mollets dans la nuit, c'est l'horreur, magnésium et hop plus rien.
The Effect of Acute Taurine Ingestion on Human Maximal Voluntary Muscle Contraction
Lim, Zi Xiang Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. ., Post Acceptance: September 22, 2017

Purpose To examine the effect of taurine ingestion on maximal voluntary muscle torque and power in trained male athletes with different caffeine habits.

Methods Fourteen male athletes aged 21.8 ± 2.5 years were separated into caffeine and non-caffeine consumers to control for the effect of caffeine withdrawal on muscle function. On separate occasions, participants performed four isokinetic or three maximal isometric knee extensions with and without taurine (40 mg/kg body mass) following a double blind, counterbalanced design. Muscle contractile performances were compared between the first sets as well as between the sets where these variables scored best.

Results In response to isokinetic contraction, taurine treatment in the non-caffeine consumers resulted in a significant fall in first (-16.1%; p=0.013) and best peak torque (-5.0%; p=0.016) as well as in first (-17.7%; p=0.015) and best power output (-8.0%; p=0.008). In the caffeine consumers deprived of caffeine, taurine intake improved best power (5.2%; p=0.045). With respect to the isometric variables, there was a significant decrease in the first (-5.1%; p=0.002) and best peak torque (-4.3%; p=0.032) in the non-caffeine group, but no effect in the group of caffeine consumers deprived of caffeine. Taurine ingestion increased blood taurine levels, but had no effect on plasma amino acid levels.

Conclusion Taurine ingestion is detrimental to maximal voluntary muscle power and both maximal isokinetic and isometric peak torque in non-caffeine consumers, whereas taurine ingestion in caffeine-deprived caffeine consumers improves maximal voluntary muscle power but has not effect on other aspects of contractile performance.

PS: Déterrage de bûcheron :D

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