about Virtutis and expiration dates:
its official Indian company. made in Alpha pharma laboratories India. you can see at production date that this products have only 3 years, its mostly made 2018. think about that - you are normally buying products like f.e. Hilma which is 4 years - and its underground lab - and here you have official product from real factory, only 3 years old - what is better/worse?
think about that:)

new brand starts today, check Arenis Medico products at our website:)
Personnellement non, mais je lui ai envoyé un mail à propos de swiss remedis que j'ai bcp apprécié, et il m'a indiqué que Arenis et le swiss R ont le meme fabricant, si ça peut t'aider...
Swiss R est le même labo que Magnus et apparemment c'est pas fameux selon les retours du forum
hi guys
check discount, I have found at least 20 pieces of halotestin, its expirated for 2 years but I think for 30 EUR per 100 tablets its great chance to try this product
Arenis looks great, have good opinions, Maximus is on the way with new look
everything is working, orders are shipped in 24-48 hours
e-mail is admin (at)
Personnellement non, mais je lui ai envoyé un mail à propos de swiss remedis que j'ai bcp apprécié, et il m'a indiqué que Arenis et le swiss R ont le meme fabricant, si ça peut t'aider...
Personnellement j'en suis très content de Swiss après peut être c'est la roulette russe je dis pas mais pour l'instant le susta est bon ...

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