A new man
New Member
Serostim 12 iu +Humantrophe 10 iu a day (total 22 iu a day)
Humulin R mixed with Humalog 20-25 iu 6 to 8 times a day
Lantus insulin 100 iu in the morning Increlex IGF1 10-15 mg on training day
Anapolon (Anadrol) 100mg 3 to 4 time a day (total 300-400 mg lay)
EPO 70-100 iu a day
Halotestin 10 mg 4 times a day (total 40 mg a day) 8 weeks on veeks off
Masteron 100 mg a day
T (Cytomel) 25 mg 3 times a day (total 75 mg a day.
NPP (Nandrolone) 1000 mg a week
Primobolan 1000 mg a week
Winstrol tabs 100 mg a day
Nolvadex 40 mg a day or Arimidex 1 mg every other day
Trenbolone (long acting) 1000 mg a week
Trenbolone Ace 1400 mg a week
Test Enhantate 800 mg a week
Test Suspension 1400 mg a week
Sustanon 1250 mg a week
Boldenone 1200 mg a week
Humulin R mixed with Humalog 20-25 iu 6 to 8 times a day
Lantus insulin 100 iu in the morning Increlex IGF1 10-15 mg on training day
Anapolon (Anadrol) 100mg 3 to 4 time a day (total 300-400 mg lay)
EPO 70-100 iu a day
Halotestin 10 mg 4 times a day (total 40 mg a day) 8 weeks on veeks off
Masteron 100 mg a day
T (Cytomel) 25 mg 3 times a day (total 75 mg a day.
NPP (Nandrolone) 1000 mg a week
Primobolan 1000 mg a week
Winstrol tabs 100 mg a day
Nolvadex 40 mg a day or Arimidex 1 mg every other day
Trenbolone (long acting) 1000 mg a week
Trenbolone Ace 1400 mg a week
Test Enhantate 800 mg a week
Test Suspension 1400 mg a week
Sustanon 1250 mg a week
Boldenone 1200 mg a week