Tableau des abréviation :)


Active Member
salut ,

a mon arrivé sur le forum je suis tombé sur un super article épinglé tout en haut " les abréviation " qui ma beaucoup servie a comprendre beaucoup de discutions .

aujourd'hui il n'existe plus malheureusement, même après contact avec un admin le topic a disparue avec la mise a jour du serveur .

donc les amis avez vous le temps , l'envie , la motivation de nous crée a nouveau le super topic ?

bon pour ceux qui vont commentés avec " pourquoi tu ne le fait pas toi même " je répond que je suis encore un newbi oui monsieur newbi certes mais newbi actif :)
Yess super c'est bien ça . il y a plus qu'a demandé a un admin ci il veut bien copié collé lol . c'est la concurrence
Bah je pense qu'en faisant cela c'est jouable, un modo rectifiera si besoin hein.

AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
ADEX = Arimidex
AI = Aromatase Inhibitor
BB = BodyBuilder ou BodyBuilding
CEE = Creatine Ethyl-Esther
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirine
EFA = Essential Fatty Acid (Acide gras essentiels)
ENAN = Testosterone Enanthate
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GH ou HGH = Growth Hormone (Human Growth Hormone)
GYNO = Gynécomastie (Bitch tits)
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramusculaire
INJ = Injection
LETRO = Letrozole (femara)
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Microgrammes
MG = Milligrammes
ML = Millilitres
NOLVA = Nolvaldex
OTC = Over The Counter (Sans prescription)
PCT = Post Cycle Therapy
PIN = Aiguilles
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP= Testosterone Propionate
SERM = Selective Estrogen Receptor modulator
SHBG = Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
SLIN = Insuline
SUBQ = Sous-cutané
SUST = Sustanon
T3 = Triiodothyronine (Hormone thyroidienne)
T4 = Thyroxine (Hormone thyroidienne)
TBOL = Turanabol
TEST = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
VAR = Anavar
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated

Il en manque quelques un qu'on voit communément:

DNP: Dinitrophénol (bruleur de graisse trés toxique)
ES: Effets Secondaires
EOD: Tous les 2 jours
E3D: Tous les 3 jours
ED: tous les jours
E2 : Oestrogene
NPP: nandrolone phénylpropionate
SC: Sous cutané
UG: underground (pour les labos)
AAS ou AS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
ADEX ou ARI = Arimidex
AI = Aromatase Inhibitor
BB = BodyBuilder ou BodyBuilding
CEE = Creatine Ethyl-Esther
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DBOL ou DIANA = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirine
EFA = Essential Fatty Acid (Acide gras essentiels)
ENAN ou testo E = Testosterone Enanthate
EQ ou Boldo = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA ou Tren A = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GH ou HGH = Growth Hormone (Human Growth Hormone)
GYNO = Gynécomastie (Bitch tits)
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramusculaire
INJ = Injection
LETRO = Letrozole (femara)
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Microgrammes
MG = Milligrammes
ML ou CC = Millilitres
NOLVA = Nolvaldex (Tamoxifen)
OTC = Over The Counter (Sans prescription)
PCT ou relance = Post Cycle Therapy
PIN = Aiguilles
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP ou Testo P = Testosterone Propionate
SERM = Selective Estrogen Receptor modulator
SHBG = Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
SLIN ou Insu = Insuline
SUBQ ou SC = Sous-cutané
SUST ou Susta = Sustanon
T3 = Triiodothyronine (Hormone thyroidienne)
T4 = Thyroxine (Hormone thyroidienne)
TBOL ou Turi = Turanabol
TEST ou Testo = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
VAR = Anavar
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
ALA = = Alpha Lipoic Acid
NAC = N-Acétylcystéine
ECA = Ephedrin/Coffein/Aspirin
Depot = injectable
TRT = Testosterone Remplacement Therapy

ED = Every Day(tous les jours)
EOD = Every Other Day (tous les autres jours)
E2D = Every 2 Day (tous les 2 jours)
AAS ou AS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
ADEX ou ARI = Arimidex
AI = Aromatase Inhibitor
BB = BodyBuilder ou BodyBuilding
CEE = Creatine Ethyl-Esther
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DBOL ou DIANA = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirine
EFA = Essential Fatty Acid (Acide gras essentiels)
ENAN ou testo E = Testosterone Enanthate
EQ ou Boldo = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA ou Tren A = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GH ou HGH = Growth Hormone (Human Growth Hormone)
GYNO = Gynécomastie (Bitch tits)
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramusculaire
INJ = Injection
LETRO = Letrozole (femara)
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Microgrammes
MG = Milligrammes
ML ou CC = Millilitres
NOLVA = Nolvaldex (Tamoxifen)
OTC = Over The Counter (Sans prescription)
PCT ou relance = Post Cycle Therapy
PIN = Aiguilles
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP ou Testo P = Testosterone Propionate
SERM = Selective Estrogen Receptor modulator
SHBG = Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
SLIN ou Insu = Insuline
SUBQ ou SC = Sous-cutané
SUST ou Susta = Sustanon
T3 = Triiodothyronine (Hormone thyroidienne)
T4 = Thyroxine (Hormone thyroidienne)
TBOL ou Turi = Turanabol
TEST ou Testo = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
VAR = Anavar
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
ALA = = Alpha Lipoic Acid
NAC = N-Acétylcystéine
ECA = Ephedrin/Coffein/Aspirin
Depot = injectable
TRT = Testosterone Remplacement Therapy

ED = Every Day(tous les jours)
EOD = Every Other Day (tous les autres jours)
E2D = Every 2 Day (tous les 2 jours)
Merci frezeer et bonne journee
AAS ou AS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
ADEX ou ARI = Arimidex
AI = Aromatase Inhibitor
BB = BodyBuilder ou BodyBuilding
CEE = Creatine Ethyl-Esther
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DBOL ou DIANA = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirine
EFA = Essential Fatty Acid (Acide gras essentiels)
ENAN ou testo E = Testosterone Enanthate
EQ ou Boldo = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA ou Tren A = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GH ou HGH = Growth Hormone (Human Growth Hormone)
GYNO = Gynécomastie (Bitch tits)
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramusculaire
INJ = Injection
LETRO = Letrozole (femara)
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Microgrammes
MG = Milligrammes
ML ou CC = Millilitres
NOLVA = Nolvaldex (Tamoxifen)
OTC = Over The Counter (Sans prescription)
PCT ou relance = Post Cycle Therapy
PIN = Aiguilles
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP ou Testo P = Testosterone Propionate
SERM = Selective Estrogen Receptor modulator
SHBG = Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
SLIN ou Insu = Insuline
SUBQ ou SC = Sous-cutané
SUST ou Susta = Sustanon
T3 = Triiodothyronine (Hormone thyroidienne)
T4 = Thyroxine (Hormone thyroidienne)
TBOL ou Turi = Turanabol
TEST ou Testo = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
VAR = Anavar
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
ALA = = Alpha Lipoic Acid
NAC = N-Acétylcystéine
ECA = Ephedrin/Coffein/Aspirin
Depot = injectable
TRT = Testosterone Remplacement Therapy

ED = Every Day(tous les jours)
EOD = Every Other Day (tous les autres jours)
E2D = Every 2 Day (tous les 2 jours)

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