Well-Known Member
Ah oui petit joueur
Ah oui petit joueur
tu veux dire que les produits sont trop doser ? et tu appelle quoi huile mct filtrée. merci de ta réponse@Frenchbodyfit
Le Sustanon est réputé pour être douloureux sauf le primo mais je l'ai fait qu'à max 160mg/ml niveau concentration.
Pour le Sustanon il faudra le diluer avec de l'huile MCT filtré (1ml Sustanon + 1 ml MCT)
Si tu ne peux pas filtrer alors ajoute 1ml d'un AAS non douloureux pour 1ml d'huile Sustanon à spotter à un endroit réputé non douloureux: le côté des fesses
+1Je préfère perdurer dans le temps l’amie
Tu le comprendra en grandissant![]()
merci je vais regarder@angelbody
Non le Sustanon c'est une préparation de Testo avec différents esters au final ça donne un truc douloureux.
Est-ce dû à la concentration final ou a la concentration de certains esters ou un seul ester particulièrement douloureux, on l'ignore tous à ce stade.
Bref mettre plus d'huile vierge qu'il faut filtrer avec un filtre a seringue permet de baisser la concentration d'une part mais surtout d'augmenter le PH qui est trop bas dû a certains ester ou à la concentration (on l'ignore)
L'huile à un PH haut entre 8 et 9 (+alcalin) et les AAS sont acide avec un PH bas.
Si tu comprends pas ce que je viens d'expliquer sur le PH ou la filtration, on a déjà tout expliqué en section "labo maison" (fonction recherche sur le forum)
Oui tu peux en stock Chine contre un petit supplément je l ai déjà fait avec des huileux, je crois qu on peux aussi pour les peptides à confirmer par @Qingdao SigmaÇa a peu être étais déjà demander mais est il possible de composer son kit de 10 fioles @Qingdao Sigma ?
Oui possibleÇa a peu être étais déjà demander mais est il possible de composer son kit de 10 fioles @Qingdao Sigma ?
Je confirme poto, tu as bien raison, les clients peuvent acheter autant qu'ils veulent sans que ça soit nécessairement des kits complets, et pas besoin que ça soit des multiples de 10, ça peut être 12 peptides, 17, 23...etcOui tu peux en stock Chine contre un petit supplément je l ai déjà fait avec des huileux, je crois qu on peux aussi pour les peptides à confirmer par @Qingdao Sigma![]()
Tout dépend du poids de ton colis, mais oui il y a des frais de port obligatoires depuis févrierIl y a des frais d'envoi dorénavant ? En plus des produits sur ma commande j'ai un rajout de 20$ je suppose que c'est çà ?
Testo propio et masta propio top je les ai essayé.Bien reçu ma commande et super bien emballé. Trois semaine depuis mon paiement. Merci @Qingdao Sigma
Je ferais un retour dans quelques semaines.
Pour info j'ai pris de la Testo propio et du Masta propio
Methyltrienolone (MT) is a very potent, reasonably toxic, non-aromatizing steroid.
Ok. Let’s go over those three points again.
First of all, MT is potent. It binds so strongly to the AR (androgen receptor) that it is
often used in studies on other androgens to measure how strongly they bind. In
other words, this stuff binds onto the AR receptor so strongly that it is pretty much
the benchmark for that quality. If you’ve read my profile on trenbolone acetate (TA),
you’ll note that I said TA is the most potent injectable weapon in our arsenal with
regards to ability to bind to the androgen receptor. That’s still true, because this
particular compound is not in our arsenal, and it’s simply the oral version of TA (i.e.
it is trenbolone which has undergone modification to become orally active, via the
addition of a 17-alph-methyl group).
So why is it important that this stuff binds so tightly to the AR? Well, androgen
receptors are found in both fat cells and muscle cells (8); they act on the AR in
muscle cells to promote growth, and in the fat cells to affect fat burning (9)(6). The
stronger the androgen binds to the AR, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on
adipose (fat) tissue (9)(5). Unfortunately, that strong binding doesn’t also
automatically mean that it will elicit the strongest possible anabolic response, nor
that the weakest bind will elicit a weak anabolic response. Anadrol has the weakest
bind to the AR possible (too low to be measured), and it produces a profound
anabolic response, for example. Don’t be fooled by the anabolic/androgenic ratio of
this (or any steroid) either. The anabolic/androgenic ratio of MT would suggest that it
produces 5x the anabolic and androgenic effect of testosterone (which has a score of
100 and 100 respectively). If one were able to get a bottle of this stuff, I believe it
would be best used as part of a cutting cycle, stacked with some injectables
(testosterone, etc…), but certainly no other orals. It’s just too toxic. Negma (the
French company who brought Parabolan to the market, and then discontinued it)
never pushed MT to gain approval as a commercially released item, since their
original studies showed it to be highly toxic.
But, remember, AR’s are found in muscle tissue as well. When a muscle’s AR is
stimulated, it can induce hypertrophy. When an adipose tissue’s AR is stimulated,
through various related mechanisms, fat is lost. This is a gross oversimplification.
Whatever. All we need to know is that when you have a steroid that binds to the AR,
it builds muscle and burns fat, and a steroid that binds very tightly to the AR will
stimulate a lot of muscle synthesis and burn a lot of fat. A good example of this is
Trenbolone. And since I mentioned Trenbolone, it’s worth further mentioning that
MT is basically a 17aa (oral) version of (injectable) Trenbolone. AR binding and AR
stimulation is not the only mechanism which stimulates anabolism, however. It’s
important to note that dbol has a very low AR binding ability and A50 has an AR
binding ability that is too low to even measure! Both are very potent oral steroids,
though. So while it’s important, AR binding/stimulation is not the end all and be all of
Methyltrienolone is, of course, a 19Nor compound (as is Trenbolone). It will effect
your sexual drive and performance in a similar way to both Tren and nandrolone,
meaning that temporary impotence and/or a lack of libido is highly possible (aka
Tren-Dick or Deca Dick) (10). Also, it is a progestin, and still binds almost as well to
the progesterone receptor (PgR) (3). As we know, progestins amplify estrogenic
effects of aromatizing drugs. Although MT doesn’t aromatize, you will still need to
worry about its ability to cause side-effects by amplifying the estrogenic issues
caused by the other compounds you may be taking.
How toxic is this stuff? Well, it was never commercially marketed for use in humans,
and has been relegated to Steroid-Purgatory, to be used only in studies. I’d probably
rate it on around the same level as taking high(ish) doses of halotestin or
methyltestosterone. I’d also probably recommend that people keep doses of this
product very low, much lower than reccomended doses typical of the other 2
compounds I just mentioned (i.e. 500-750mcgs/day…for not much longer than 3-4
weeks). I have had the fortune to discuss this product with the owner of an
underground lab. He had given out several samples of this stuff to athletes he knew,
and they all kept records and got regular bloodwork done. People who were in the
2mg/day range developed highly elevated liver enzymes and jaundice (yellowing of
the eyes and skin). They all recovered, and through trial and error, a 500-750mcg
dose was found to be (relatively) safe, and (roughly) as effective as 150-225mgs of
Trenbolone Acetate. For women, a possible side effect of MT is virilization
(development of male sexual characteristics), which is profound with this stuff (11),
so it is entirely off limits for women to use.
With this stuff, you may want to take milk thistle (320mgs/day), ALA (500mgs per
meal) and try some Pygeum Africanum (Permixon, the liposterolic extract of
Serenoa). This stuff will protect your prostate: in one study, it inhibited competitively
the binding of methyltrienolone to the cytosolic receptor of the rat prostate. You’ll
still need to get blood work done, avoid other orals (this includes drinking, or
anything else which could tax your liver), and monitor your health closely. This isn’t
a drug for novices, clearly, and is probably only useful for pre-contest bodybuilders.
I’ve only seen MT available from one underground lab, and it came in a 50ml bottle,
which was 1mg/ml, and was priced at $100. This translates to roughly 100 doses, at
a reasonable cost of fifty-cents per dose. And since you would never want to run
this particular drug for longer than 3-4 weeks at a time (maybe it would have use in
the last few weeks before a bodybuilding competition, but not much else), you’ll get
to use one bottle in 4 different cycles. That makes it no less dangerous, just
reasonably cheap.