www.meditrope.com ™ Official HGH/ GH Worldwide Store & Genotec Laboratories © AAS Made in EU Since 2010

[QUOTE = "username86, post: 549395, member: 9816"] Ah top guys what's that? Your dosages? ES? I contacted meditrope yesterday he told me that the batch on sale is 17ui right now!
And most importantly tell me you have a cable? Lol [/ QUOTE]

yes batch #72 (17 ius) on sale right now correct

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS HGH - *** Batch # 48 is all finished. Batch # 49 is on sale, a little stock left. Latest batch of blacks # 50 is on sale now -Overfilled to 15 iu per vial- now all finished. Latest batch # 72 (17 iu) is now on sale. Labeled as 100 IU a kit (10 vials)

[QUOTE = "sosodef13, post: 549457, member: 17226"] You're lucky you have better support me at 4 ui it takes me 20 min before you can put your fingers back in the morning ... [/ QUOTE]

Bud do u wear a sleeve at night during sleep ? Is it classic carpel tunnel syndrome u have or De Quervain's tenosynovitis which is more in the thumb region. I have competitors who get one or the other as side effects at high dosages but wearing an appropriate splint make a huge huge difference mainly at night during sleep. When we sleep odd turning twisting uneven pressure bothers the nerve strapped between already inflamed tendon sheets. Its very important to keep the hand and wrist in optimal position. I always advice customers before resorting to intrinsic stuff first to try a splint at night, regularly every night before sleep. It usually helps a lot.

let me know your exact location of pain and i will send u the link on amazon for the splint. its a cheap and effective preventive measure. thanks
[QUOTE = "Wesley, post: 546385, member: 13349"] Yes trenbolone is confused with the e2 on the blood test in the majority of French labs, otherwise it needs a specific test method. [/ QUOTE]

correct i agree buddy tren falsely shows up as E2 yes, Inflated e2 levels which are not true representation of estrogen levels. Hence why for tren induced high e2 levels anti - prolactin meds works better to bring levels down and not your typical anti - estrogen meds. Before anyone using aromasin or arimidex is thinking of upping their dose of these meds while running tren its good to introduce some caber in the scenario and see if it helps bring e2 levels down.

Hope it helps bro somewhat. thanks
[QUOTE = "username86, post: 549395, member: 9816"] Ah top guys what's that? Your dosages? ES? I contacted meditrope yesterday he told me that the batch on sale is 17ui right now!
And most importantly tell me you have a cable? Lol [/ QUOTE]

yes batch #72 (17 ius) on sale right now correct

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS HGH - *** Batch # 48 is all finished. Batch # 49 is on sale, a little stock left. Latest batch of blacks # 50 is on sale now -Overfilled to 15 iu per vial- now all finished. Latest batch # 72 (17 iu) is now on sale. Labeled as 100 IU a kit (10 vials)

[QUOTE = "sosodef13, post: 549457, member: 17226"] You're lucky you have better support me at 4 ui it takes me 20 min before you can put your fingers back in the morning ... [/ QUOTE]

Bud do u wear a sleeve at night during sleep ? Is it classic carpel tunnel syndrome u have or De Quervain's tenosynovitis which is more in the thumb region. I have competitors who get one or the other as side effects at high dosages but wearing an appropriate splint make a huge huge difference mainly at night during sleep. When we sleep odd turning twisting uneven pressure bothers the nerve strapped between already inflamed tendon sheets. Its very important to keep the hand and wrist in optimal position. I always advice customers before resorting to intrinsic stuff first to try a splint at night, regularly every night before sleep. It usually helps a lot.

let me know your exact location of pain and i will send u the link on amazon for the splint. its a cheap and effective preventive measure. thanks

Hi bud,

I am Running at 4ui, the effects are numbness throughout the day and when i waking up impossibility to bend the fingers and tighten the fist for about 30 minutes
Localisation is in all fingers
Salut @Magique , j'ai vu que tu avais fais 5 ui en IM le jour de la pds, tu as attendu combien de temps aprés l injection pour faire la pds ?
Non c'est 10 ui que j'ai envoyé en IM
Pour l'igf1 comme tu peut le voir ça varie énormément d'une pds a l'autre.
Ben non justement avec la tren tes stats igf devrait être encore plus élevé.. faut voir cmt tu as fait ta pds ;)
Résultat pds

hé mon pote comme tu dis que tu as couru tren + primo, donc je crois que c’est le problème qui gêne la conversion de l’igf. votre foie est stressé et ne convertit pas correctement gh en igf. Je vous suggère de regarder votre LFT et de résoudre ce problème en premier. Beaucoup d'autres facteurs entrent en ligne de compte lorsque la conversion de gh en igf se produit dans le foie. Je suggère de laisser reposer GH pendant un certain temps aussi. Également vérifier vos niveaux d'insuline à jeun pour voir si vous êtes sensible à l'insuline ou un peu résistant à l'insuline. Là encore, le métabolisme du foie joue un rôle important dans ce processus. Comment vous sentez-vous autrement sur gh si vous ignorez les chiffres sur le papier dans l'intérêt de cette discussion? Ce que je veux dire, c'est comment votre corps se sent sur gh? Vous vous sentez bien comme à la pompe, le sommeil, la plénitude, la graisse corporelle reste la même ou monte un peu? Je dis toujours que les chiffres sur le papier sont ce qu'ils sont et ensuite il y a la machine la plus compliquée au monde - le corps humain qui peut parfois peindre des images totalement différentes de celles sur le papier! Je ne dis pas que les chiffres en noir et blanc sur la feuille de test sont inutiles, mais ce que votre corps vous dit est quelque chose à considérer aussi. Merci
Oui pas terrible

in English

hey buddy as u say u have been running tren + primo so i believe that is the problem then interferring with the igf conversion. your liver is stressed out and not converting gh to igf properly. I suggest you look at your LFT and fix that first. A lot of other factors comes into play here as conversion of gh to igf happens in liver. I suggest give rest from GH for some time too. Also check your fasted insulin levels to see if u are insulin sensitive or a bit insulin resistant. again liver metabolism plays a big hand in that. How are u feeling otherwise on gh if u ignore the numbers on the paper for the sake of this discussion ? What I mean to ask is how is your body feeling on gh ? u feel good as in pumps, sleep, fullness, body fat staying the same or climbing up a little ? I always says numbers on the paper are what they are and then there is the most complicated machine in the world - human body which at times can paint a entirely different pics then the numbers on the paper ! I am not suggesting the black and white numbers on the test sheet are useless but what your body tells u is something to consider too. thanks
Here is a blood work report/ igf score from my German customer done about 2 weeks or so ago on 10 ius. 709 ng/ml

Pièces jointes

  • German board gh bloodwork.JPG
    German board gh bloodwork.JPG
    121.6 KB · Affichages: 36
Hi bud,

I am Running at 4ui, the effects are numbness throughout the day and when i waking up impossibility to bend the fingers and tighten the fist for about 30 minutes
Localisation is in all fingers

sorry for late reply buddy. i just got a chance to come here and update this thread.

ok so ''impossibility'' u describe to bend the fingers and in tightening the fist is due to compression of the median nerve during sleep while u dont realise and end up twisting bending your wrist. So immobilize it before sleep. this will keep your hand straight and relieve any unwanted pressure on the nerve. i will not ask you to reduce your GH dose as 4 iu is low anyway. here is the splint which will help your condition. You should be able to find it in france. get the same brand as it has a adjustable metal bar to give customizable support option.

i have a lot of guys who use this very successfully running high dosages to keep nerve irritation at bay. the key is wear it consistently every night. before sleep. as more damage happens during sleep compare to day time. Some guys wear it in the day too to help further but for you i do not think it will not be necessary.

all the best. let me know how it goes.

Amazon product ASIN B007M291J0

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