www.meditrope.com ™ Official HGH/ GH Worldwide Store & Genotec Laboratories © AAS Made in EU Since 2010

Could you either publicly or privately elaborate on what you found out that makes you think so? If you are referring to that Meso RX crackhead, the community quickly discovered that TP/Meditrope weren't supporting him so noone else should've taken damage to their reputation or otherwise.

Hey buddy sure we can tell you exactly and you all will laugh to start with..

a crazy bro (do not remember the name or the name on the email address and he only wrote 2 lines)

He seemed very angry and charged up in rage and swore as if knew us and had some business with us but we had no idea what he was on about. He first asked for the price list which our team happily sent across with a warm greeting message as we do and then a few hours later he replied out of nowhere and said below...

'' hey ***hole your email have been reported to Protonmail and will be terminated in the 96 hours. You can't hurt 'yanoshik' anymore.

That's all the email said..

Anyway our team did not reply and simply said put the email address in spam thinking nothing much of it just some guy who seemed to have drunk 2 vials of tren and have some issues on behalf of ''other people'' and emailing us in error , a case of mistaken identify we thought as in he might have misunderstood us for some other source he has problems and ongoing issue which needed ''settling'' . We do not have unhappy customers as our service is first class.

Moving on we carried on with business as usual & the day we posted it here that morning the inbox wont login and said, ''your account has been in violation of policy''. What he did was he took the price list and reported it back to protonmail and they blocked it.

We emailed protonmail and they replied..


Thank you for the follow-up.

Please note that your account was found to be involved in the selling of controlled substances and considering this behavior is forbidden by our Terms of Service, we can't help you further with your request. Please note that per our Terms:

"You agree not to use the Services for any illegal or prohibited activities."

We apologize we can't help you further.

kind regards,
Customer Support
Proton Mail Abuse Team

We have never spoken/ hurt any other source for that matter, not a unkind word on emails or board exchanged EVER, not had much interaction at all really. We hardly need to speak to anyone, we have very loyal and always expending clientele in UK and Europe due to our customer service and free advice on cycles and gh usage and troubleshooting issues of bbers with 20 years + experience bbers with MOST up to date knowledge. our business model is not mass market bulk, its high class French service model oriented. We write in great detail to people for 2 lines question & we give unlimited time, full course replies in duty and care of bros (rare sources do that, its take money - hand products otherwise) . You can see our thread is so quite and peaceful without any drama.

We have always minded our business and others copied our branding and store design and put a shop on American meso to the point bros were emailing us asking, ''why does this source have the same logo and branding'. If I ask the noble members here should you applaud a source for making his shop look similar to someone else or would you rather prefer they have their own unique design & not create confusion among you all?

The source in question copied us over totally and then afterwards emailed us to engage us as members there were questioning him and we avoided that unnecessary engagement simply as again our business policy is we just don't get involved in anything outside of our thread & did not reply to the concerned loss. Now this same source has scammer threads raised against him on google search which we noticed while searching yesterday after the attack on our store.

Here is the upshot, our service and products takes care of our sales and as long as our customers are happy haters will only be wasting their time and energy as it wont affect the growth of our loyal clientele. Focus on your business and make it appealing to your customers. European clients are service conscious & know our service and polite courteous manner and how sincere we are in our dealings and care for them.

The source member whoever you were if you are reading this know that you should feel really awful because you caused harm to a totally innocent source who did nothing of the sort you were talking about to you You have for no good apparent reason hurt many of your own European brothers who were in communicating on our email back and forth. It is such an act of shame and betrayal.

All in all a very sad and sorry state of affairs and what a waste of precious time of everyone really.

We have full backup of clientele so that is not a huge issue and forums are here but the disruption to the service for now was not needed for French and other meso and mem brothers in these difficult times. We curse you for your actions and God will make you and you people pay for it. There is a saying, ''when you do bad to someone, wait for your turn, it all comes back to you in time'.'

Moving on we did have our new website in works, very interesting which our clients will love very much. We are working harder and faster to showcase it at the back of this little setback to bring the release sooner then planned.

God speed ALL .Thank you very much to the community for your support and loyalty. The lovely messages of support which have flooded in to our new mailbox makes it worthwhile for us to have such amazing family from Europe and UK. Much love and best wishes to you all.
Dernière édition:
Si plusieurs personnes signales une adresse mail, tu peux effectivement la faire bloquer, c'est déjà arrivé à d'autres

hé mon pote ce n'était certainement pas plusieurs. il a pris la liste de prix et l'a copiée et collée dans le formulaire à protonmail pour signaler. Nous avons copié leur réponse ici. merci beaucoup pour votre acte de solidarité
We have answered all pending emails which are htting our new inboxes for both aas and gh. we will me emaling trackers by tomorrow.

any latest price list enquiries or orders please email to ..

Nouveaux e-mails

Pour les e-mails AAS : genotec@mailfence.com

Pour GH email: meditrope@mailfence.com

We are responding to both inboxes turn around time 24 hours for now to manage the disruption and streamline the process. Please bare with us.

Merci beaucoup :)
c'est idiot car il est super facile de recréer un nouveau mail, de plus dans le pire des cas on crée son propre serveur mail chiffré si on lis la documentation "roundcube" et même la relier à une adresse "tor" naturellement ça demande beaucoup de temps et d'implication, qu'on à pas spécialement.
C est moi on c est compliqué de passer commande ?
J’essaie de passer une commande de gh et il réponde toute les 48h …
Pour ceux qui ont déjà commande, ça ce passe comme ça à chaque fois ?
C est moi on c est compliqué de passer commande ?
J’essaie de passer une commande de gh et il réponde toute les 48h …
Pour ceux qui ont déjà commande, ça ce passe comme ça à chaque fois ?

Hey buddy your emails has been replied to & all emails which arrived up until today. Kindly have a look any questions let us know. merci beaucoup. Have a lovely day
c'est idiot car il est super facile de recréer un nouveau mail, de plus dans le pire des cas on crée son propre serveur mail chiffré si on lis la documentation "roundcube" et même la relier à une adresse "tor" naturellement ça demande beaucoup de temps et d'implication, qu'on à pas spécialement.

Freenez mon bon ami noble Oui En effet, c'était un travail très idiot et haineux de certains concurrents qui sont envieux de notre clientèle croissante et de notre service très bien noté sur les deux conseils français, ici et mem. Comme si vous l'avez très extrêmement dit, le courrier électronique est facile à refaire.

Nous utilisons TOR Over Tails OS, donc la grille de sécurité est aussi forte que possible pour quiconque là-bas, mais le webmail Roundcube n'est pas quelque chose que nous connaissons Buddy. Demandera en effet à l'équipe technologique de l'examiner. Cet e-mail peut-il être travaillé sur Tor dans Tails OS? Encore une fois, merci beaucoup pour le soutien et les aimables paroles de solidarité. Nous avions notre site officiel dans les œuvres depuis quelques mois maintenant et à l'arrière de cette attaque, nous travaillons si plus difficile pour apporter son lancement plus rapidement que prévu ici sur FR Boards :)

Je finis par citer la devise du 1er Régiment de Hussards parachutistes (1er Parachute Hussar Regiment): Omnia Si Perdas, Famam Servare Memento (latin pour "Si vous avez tout perdu, rappelez-vous qu'il y a toujours l'honneur")
Freenez mon bon ami noble Oui En effet, c'était un travail très idiot et haineux de certains concurrents qui sont envieux de notre clientèle croissante et de notre service très bien noté sur les deux conseils français, ici et mem. Comme si vous l'avez très extrêmement dit, le courrier électronique est facile à refaire.

Nous utilisons TOR Over Tails OS, donc la grille de sécurité est aussi forte que possible pour quiconque là-bas, mais le webmail Roundcube n'est pas quelque chose que nous connaissons Buddy. Demandera en effet à l'équipe technologique de l'examiner. Cet e-mail peut-il être travaillé sur Tor dans Tails OS? Encore une fois, merci beaucoup pour le soutien et les aimables paroles de solidarité. Nous avions notre site officiel dans les œuvres depuis quelques mois maintenant et à l'arrière de cette attaque, nous travaillons si plus difficile pour apporter son lancement plus rapidement que prévu ici sur FR Boards :)

Je finis par citer la devise du 1er Régiment de Hussards parachutistes (1er Parachute Hussar Regiment): Omnia Si Perdas, Famam Servare Memento (latin pour "Si vous avez tout perdu, rappelez-vous qu'il y a toujours l'honneur")
Pour roundcube il faudra passer par une torbox, je connais tails avec son système de flashram, j'ai toujours une clé USB avec tails dessus pour mes déplacements.
all trackers have been sent till yesterday and we are answering email on our new emails within 24 hours time frame as best as we can on both aas and gh emails. Please bare with us. merci beaucoup

Nouveaux e-mails

Pour les e-mails AAS : genotec@mailfence.com

Pour GH email: meditrope@mailfence.com

Dernière édition:
Pour roundcube il faudra passer par une torbox, je connais tails avec son système de flashram, j'ai toujours une clé USB avec tails dessus pour mes déplacements.

C'est génial de savoir toujours à portée de main sur les clés! noble ami. Merci beaucoup pour les conseils technologiques. Fera toutes ces nouvelles choses en train de vérifier avec l'équipe technologique. Merci beaucoup

Dernière édition:

Publicité Stéroïdes
