www.meditrope.com ™ Official HGH/ GH Worldwide Store & Genotec Laboratories © AAS Made in EU Since 2010

Hi Friends

Blacks and Mauves are both in stock :) More official stock straight from the factory on route for your summer gains! :) Current batches are Blacks #101 Mauves #100

Del to France is 3-5 days :) Please send your orders to meditrope@pm.me

For anabolics (orals,injects) order please email Genotec Labs genoteclabs@pm.me

Have a lovely weekend :) Merci beaucoup

Salut les amis

Les noirs et les mauves sont tous les deux en stock :) Plus de stock officiel directement de l'usine en route pour vos gains d'été ! :) Les lots actuels sont des Noirs #101 Mauves #100

Del pour la France est de 3 à 5 jours :) Veuillez envoyer vos commandes à meditrope@pm.me

Pour les commandes d'anabolisants (oraux, injectables), veuillez envoyer un e-mail à Genotec Labs genoteclabs@pm.me

Bonne journée à vous tous :) Merci beaucoup
Salut les amis

Les noirs et les mauves sont tous les deux en stock :) Plus de stock officiel directement de l'usine en route pour vos gains d'été ! Les lots actuels sont des Noirs #101 Mauves #100

Del pour la France est de 3 à 5 jours. Veuillez envoyer vos commandes à meditrope@pm.me

Pour les commandes d'anabolisants (oraux, injectables), veuillez envoyer un e-mail à Genotec Labs genoteclabs@pm.me

Bonne journée à vous tous :) Merci beaucoup
Salut les amis

Les noirs et les mauves sont tous les deux en stock :) Plus de stock officiel directement de l'usine en route pour vos gains d'été ! Les lots actuels sont des Noirs #101 Mauves #100

Del pour la France est de 3 à 5 jours. Veuillez envoyer vos commandes à meditrope@pm.me

Pour les commandes d'anabolisants (oraux, injectables), veuillez envoyer un e-mail à Genotec Labs genoteclabs@pm.me

Bonne journée à vous tous :) Merci beaucoup
bump all trackers have been sent out over weekend for all orders placed last week:)

Blacks and Mauves are both in stock :) Current batches are Blacks #101 Mauves #100. Please email: meditrope@pm.me

For aas orders pls email: genoteclabs@pm.me

Merci beaucoup friends have a great day!
Salut les amis
Les noirs et les mauves sont tous les deux en stock :) Plus de stock officiel directement de l'usine en route pour vos gains d'été ! Les lots actuels sont des Noirs #101 Mauves #100
Del pour la France est de 3 à 5 jours. Veuillez envoyer vos commandes à meditrope@pm.me
Pour les commandes d'anabolisants (oraux, injectables), veuillez envoyer un e-mail à Genotec Labs genoteclabs@pm.me
Bonne journée à vous tous :) Merci beaucoup
bump all trackers have been sent for orders placed before mid week. Orders placed later week will have trackers by Saturday :)

blacks and mauves both are in stock please email: meditrope@pm.me

for aas orders pls email: genoteclabs@pm.me

merci beaucoup friends have a great day
bump all trackers have been sent out over weekend for all orders placed last week:)

Blacks and Mauves are both in stock :) Current batches are Blacks #101 Mauves #100. Please email: meditrope@pm.me

For aas orders pls email: genoteclabs@pm.me

Merci beaucoup friends have a great day!
bump all trackers have been sent for orders placed before mid week. Orders placed later week will have trackers by Saturday :)

blacks and mauves both are in stock please email: meditrope@pm.me

for aas orders pls email: genoteclabs@pm.me

merci beaucoup friends have a great day
Hi Friends Bonjour

Blacks have sold out just now so letting everyone know and next delivery is landing next week :) We are open and taking pre - orders daily so if you can send your order in now and start the order process orders will be dispatched on landing.

Mauvetops are in stock & ready to ship.

Del to France is 3-5 days :) Please send your orders to


For anabolics (orals,injects) order please email Genotec Labs


Have a nice day :) Merci beaucoup.

Sending Love & healing energy to amazing French nation and its kind souls in these difficult times of war. God speed

New emails: Use from 10/08/22 onwards. Do NOT use last email addresses.

For AAS new emails: genotec@mailfence.com

For GH new email: meditrope@mailfence.com

Hi all we would like to inform you that our email addresses (GH and AAS as they were on the same account) have been blocked today, Wednesday August 10th by Protonmail. This is unfortunately due to the evil, hateful and abusive actions of some ignorant people who reported our email address.

After our email was blocked, we found out that we had been maliciously targeted in the back of some ongoing GH politics/squabbles on the forums between GH sources and testers in which we do not participate in any form. We are extremely happy to sell in the UK, France, Germany and the rest of the EU and have a steadily growing loyal customer base who rather applaud our service.

Haters: You hurt a totally civil gentleman source here who wasn't even invited to your mutual hate show and never watched it either (any posts of these). Very well done. We have now gone searching and investigating and there are forums full of stuff where you all fight over pride, greed and unhealthy egos. Kudos for targeting someone innocent. Just remember the energy you put out that comes back to you and will come back to you all one day is my curse. We didn't even know sources and testers were fighting and now we do! You are all lacking in compassion and the sad thing is that none of you are happy and content in your heart, in fact, you are extremely mean to each other.

We have never hurt anyone in this area and we have never had an argument with another source or tester on the cards. We simply focus on our business values and customer service. Preserving the happiness of all our stakeholders is at the heart of our business.

To all our loyal customers we apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please use the following emails for all open orders, new orders, follow-ups and stock updates. Business is as usual :)

New emails

For AAS emails: genotec@mailfence.com

For GH email: meditrope@mailfence.com

Nouveaux e-mails : à utiliser à partir du 10/08/22. N'utilisez PAS les dernières adresses e-mail.

Pour les nouveaux e-mails AAS : genotec@mailfence.com

Pour GH nouveau courriel : meditrope@mailfence.com

Bonjour à tous, nous tenons à vous informer que nos adresses e-mail (GH et AAS car elles étaient sur le même compte) ont été bloquées aujourd'hui, mercredi 10 août par Protonmail. Cela est malheureusement dû aux actions perverses, haineuses et abusives de certaines personnes ignorantes qui ont signalé notre adresse e-mail.

Après que notre e-mail ait été bloqué, nous avons découvert que nous avions été ciblés par malveillance dans le cadre de certaines politiques / querelles GH en cours sur les forums entre les sources GH et les testeurs auxquels nous ne participons sous aucune forme. Nous sommes extrêmement heureux de vendre au Royaume-Uni, en France, en Allemagne et dans le reste de l'UE et avons une clientèle fidèle en croissance constante qui applaudit plutôt notre service.

Haters : You hurt a totally civilian source here who wasn't even invited to your mutual hate show and never watched it either (any of those posts). Very well done. We have now gone searching and investigating and there are forums full of stuff where you all fight over pride, greed and unhealthy egos. Congratulations on targeting someone innocent. Just remember that the energy you give off that one day comes back to you is my curse. We didn't even know sources and testers were fighting and now we do! You are all lacking in compassion and the sad thing is that none of you are happy and content in your heart, in fact you are extremely mean to each other.

We have never hurt anyone in this area and we have never had a fight with another source or tester on the cards. We simply focus on our business values and customer service. Preserving the happiness of all our stakeholders is at the heart of our business.

To all our loyal customers we apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please use the following emails for all open orders, new orders, follow-ups and stock updates. Business is as usual :)

New emails

For AAS email: genotec@mailfence.com

For GH email: meditrope@mailfence.com
After our email was blocked, we found out that we had been maliciously targeted in the back of some ongoing GH politics/squabbles on the forums between GH sources and testers in which we do not participate in any form.
Could you either publically or privately elaborate on what you found out that makes you think so? If you are referring to that Meso RX crackhead, the community quickly discovered that TP/Meditrope weren't supporting him so noone else should've taken damage to their reputation or otherwise.

Publicité Stéroïdes
