Mon journal coaching par HardcoreJo

Quelques petites extraits du livre du Dr Thomas O’Connor, America on Steroids, A time to heal. La page du livre est mon avatar.

Le Dr. Thomas O’Connor a plus d’une quinzaine d’année expérience dans le diagnostic et le traitement de l'hypogonadisme chez les hommes qui utilisent des stéroïdes anabolisants, ainsi que chez les hommes qui n'en utilisent pas. Il a été un pionnier dans la rédaction et le traitement des hommes ayant utilisés des stéroïdes anabolisants et souffrant des effets secondaires liés à l’utilisation de ces produits.

Je crois que ce livre résume tous les sujets soulevés sur ce forum. En tout cas c’est très instructif.

Les chapitres du livre :

15. Why I Wrote This Book?Thomas O’Connor MD

23. Luckiest Doc in the World

27. Steroids on Synthol

31. Time to be Responsible: Dear Lifter

37 . Anabolic Sister

41. Check Out Your Anti-Aging Doc

43. No Free Lunch

47. Desperately Seeking Adonis

51. Muscle Dysmorphia: Disease or Dedication?

57. Roid Rage

61.Is the Doctor In?

69. Understanding the Strength Athlete: Dear Doctor.

73. Anabolic Steroid- Induced Hypogonadism: Why Men Can’t Quit

97.AAS and Rehab

105. PCT: Does It Work?

113. Tales From the Underground.

115. Becoming the Metabolic Doc.

117. Blood Clots and the “Mass Effect” in Big Men

121. HGH, Heart Health and Bodybuilders.

127. Anabolic Cardiorenal Syndrome

133. Hardcore Medicine: Lifter’s Heavy-Duty Blood

139.Hypertension in Powerlifters:Diagnosis & Treatment

145. Gynecomastia

151. Cardiovascular Health for ALL Men

159. An Epidemic of Low T: Fact or Artifact?

165. Hearts and Hormones: Testosterone Replacement and Heart disease.

169. Challenges to Personalizing TRT with the AAS User

179. Big Mike and the Biggest Lift of His Life

185. EPILOGUE The Bigger, Younger Steroids Problem

Quelques extraits en anglais. Je n’ai pas trouvé le livre en français.

De la prevention tout au long du livre, y en a. Mais on s’instruit aussi beaucoup dans un langage qui n’est pas 100% médical, la preuve : “You may think you are badass because you weigh 200 pounds with 8% body fat, but listen to me closely for a minute. When one of your organs fails, or another major ailment takes you down, you will see pretty quickly that you are not made of steel. The biggest badass can be brought to his knees when organ failure prevents his body from functioning the way it should. So, please, don’t let your stats make you think you are indestructible—even if you can bench press 600 pounds or if your arms are 23 inches now.”

Sans filtre! : “Seeing so many desperate to lift BIG—despite significant social and health costs—and achieving only short-lived satisfaction from this has strengthened my belief in the potentially causative effect of muscle dysmorphia. When muscle dysmorphia is present, it is testimony to the power of an ungoverned limbic system to negatively influence behavior. The implication for passionate lifters is to govern their passion with reason, to understand them- selves and their goals, always mindful that their behaviors must respect their bodies, their minds, their lives”

Quelques recommandations pour améliorer les relations patients/Médecins, je trouve cela très bien qu'il l'évoque : “To remove these obstacles to providing and receiving appropriate medical help, the following are essential:

● Doctors must become knowledgeable about safe and effective treatment protocols for AAS side effects and for safe and effective cessation.

● Doctors must bring to the doctor-patient relationship unconditional regard for the patient, regardless of the doctor’s personal feelings on anabolic steroid use.

● To receive the best medical care, patients need to be open with doctors about their use, what agents they have used, and for how long.

● Patients should inform themselves about, and determine whether their doctor also understands, the laws regulating confidentiality of their medical information.”

Etre transparent avec son médecin et en changer si vous n’êtes plus sur la même longueur d’onde : “If you do decide to use AAS, beware. Other important recommendations include seeing a doctor, and being honest with him or her so they can get a good history and physical exam done. Be sure to include any family history of hypercoagulability.

A final word: Judgments about a patient’s choice to use AAS have no place in the professional relationship. Medical advice, yes; judgments, no. If a physician does not seem to be well informed about AAS and its serious side effects, and if he or she doesn’t seem open to a true partnership, or isn’t sufficiently available to provide timely treatment monitoring, it’s worth seeking another physician.”

Toujours de la mise en garde : “Men, even young men with normal testosterone levels, experience increased libido when they are on AAS. However, the operant word here is “on”. As any experienced steroid AAS user quickly learns, sex “on” steroids vs “off” is very different. In the beginning, most steroid AAS users, whether or not they use post cycle therapy (PCT) to counteract the androgenic effects of AAS, experience only minimal sexual side effects. However, whether a user is cycling or attempting to permanently cease using, the hypogonadal state during withdrawal from AAS can cause poor libido, impotence, infertility, severe depression, and even suicidality”

Et le paragraphe de conclusion qui s'adresse aux jeunes : “If all that these young people have to guide them are lectures stressing the illicit nature of AAS and sensational reports of high-profile professional sports doping, the likely take home message for them is that doping works, or elite athletes wouldn’t do it; and as long as you have no medals to lose, why not try it. It can make you look really good.”

=> En somme, il renvoie à la responsabilité des médias qui ne font pas assez de preuve de prévention notamment vis-à-vis des athlètes qui se dopent. On se presse pour leur rétirer les médailles mais on ne s'attarde guère sur les effets désastreux des produits dopants pris sans suivi adéquat ou sans un "sachant" qui accompagne leur consommation.

En tout cas j'ai trouvé le livre intéressant et encore une fois bien écrit et il résume bien certains échanges sur ce forum.

Publicité Stéroïdes
