Source uk-peptides

Je vais tenter leur PT141 je vous dirai vraiment si c'es tfake ou pas. La dessus je le verrai en moins de 24h...
Salut les gars.
Dans le virement il y a un truc que je ne comprends pas, c'est la référence de banque à 6 chiffres. Quand j'essaye de faire le paiement par internet il me demande le nom de bénéficier, Iban et l'adresse. Mais je n'ai pas de case pour la référence
oui, normalement, mais UK Peptides me demande comme même inclure ces5 chiffres comme il appelle ça référence bancaire. A part Iban j'ai encore 2 case à remplir obligatoirement: référence de motif et référence de bénéficier.
Pour ma part commande début hgh frag vendredi, reçu le vendredi suivant.
On verra pour le produit j’ai démarré aujourd’hui...
Pour ce qui l’ont testé, des ressentis particulier lié au produit ou pas ? Histoire de vérifier la qualité du prod
Numéro de commande ? Mais pourquoi il me parle de référence bancaire. OK, je vais ajouter dans le commentaire de virement. Merci de m'aider et bonne soirée
Pour les réf bancaire tu renseignes juste ton Iban, il te donne deux réf bancaire, une de 5 ou 6 chiffres, c’est pour des virements uk to uk donc pas pour toi, toi tu renseignes le numéro internationale
Pour les réf bancaire tu renseignes juste ton Iban, il te donne deux réf bancaire, une de 5 ou 6 chiffres, c’est pour des virements uk to uk donc pas pour toi, toi tu renseignes le numéro internationale
Ah ok, maintenant c'est beaucoup plus clair.
Lundi j'irai à la banque pour le virement et puis on verra, je te tiens au courant
Pour moi OK, virement est passé et colis envoyé le 16/04. Num. trekking reçu. Par contre, je payé pour livraison express EU 3-5 jours, mais vu le message de transporteur, ça prend un peu plus de temps que c'est prévu.
Salut tout le monde. Petite correction de mon message précédent, alors sur le site de transporteur il annonce que je reçois mon colis semaine prochaine, mais j'ai la reçu hier, donc délai d'envoi express est bien respecté. Il me reste que tester. Bonne journée à tous
Commentaire recent sur uk-peptides .. ..

heal my body 2 weeks ago It appears as though UK-Peptides is defrauding their customers. I ordered some Thymosin Beta 4 and informed them that I'd be testing it and that I was requesting a batch #. They sent me the order with no batch #. As I stated I sent my sample to be tested. The lab results showed that the sample had about half of what UK-Peptides was claiming to provide. So I paid for 4mg and received 2 mg labeled as 4mg (each 2mg bottle actually contained 1mg). Communication & Ordering process They stopped responding when I told them that I had their product tested in a lab. I emailed them about this and my email was ignored. All the other times I have emailed them they have responded very quickly during the same business hours. I wanted to give them the chance to make this right before posting my results online but they don't seem interested in making things right. Items ordered Thymosin Beta 4 Product effectivenes and experience I bought their Thymosin to have it tested in a third party lab. The tests came back that their product is severely under-dosed. Their "2mg" Thymosin product had 1.05 mg of actual substance in it. Anyone who purchases this product is actually getting half of what they are paying for. Additional commentary They also claim that they test their own product for quality control, but if this is true then they would be aware that they are selling 1MG and la belling it as 2MG. This means that they are either lying about testing or lying to the consumer about what they are selling.
Perso je teste actuellement le frag de leur labo et franchement il fait bien son job...
prochaine acquisition du folli pour après ma seche mais je pense opter pour magnus (que je connais déjà sur aas et protection) ou bio pep car ce qui m’embête avec uk c’est le manque de retour sur leur folli...
Commentaire recent sur uk-peptides .. ..

heal my body 2 weeks ago It appears as though UK-Peptides is defrauding their customers. I ordered some Thymosin Beta 4 and informed them that I'd be testing it and that I was requesting a batch #. They sent me the order with no batch #. As I stated I sent my sample to be tested. The lab results showed that the sample had about half of what UK-Peptides was claiming to provide. So I paid for 4mg and received 2 mg labeled as 4mg (each 2mg bottle actually contained 1mg). Communication & Ordering process They stopped responding when I told them that I had their product tested in a lab. I emailed them about this and my email was ignored. All the other times I have emailed them they have responded very quickly during the same business hours. I wanted to give them the chance to make this right before posting my results online but they don't seem interested in making things right. Items ordered Thymosin Beta 4 Product effectivenes and experience I bought their Thymosin to have it tested in a third party lab. The tests came back that their product is severely under-dosed. Their "2mg" Thymosin product had 1.05 mg of actual substance in it. Anyone who purchases this product is actually getting half of what they are paying for. Additional commentary They also claim that they test their own product for quality control, but if this is true then they would be aware that they are selling 1MG and la belling it as 2MG. This means that they are either lying about testing or lying to the consumer about what they are selling.
Merde,je suis sur leur site pour passer une autre commande,mais après ton message j’hésite

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