www.meditrope.com ™ Official HGH/ GH Worldwide Store & Genotec Laboratories © AAS Made in EU Since 2010

sorry for late reply buddy. i just got a chance to come here and update this thread.

ok so ''impossibility'' u describe to bend the fingers and in tightening the fist is due to compression of the median nerve during sleep while u dont realise and end up twisting bending your wrist. So immobilize it before sleep. this will keep your hand straight and relieve any unwanted pressure on the nerve. i will not ask you to reduce your GH dose as 4 iu is low anyway. here is the splint which will help your condition. You should be able to find it in france. get the same brand as it has a adjustable metal bar to give customizable support option.

i have a lot of guys who use this very successfully running high dosages to keep nerve irritation at bay. the key is wear it consistently every night. before sleep. as more damage happens during sleep compare to day time. Some guys wear it in the day too to help further but for you i do not think it will not be necessary.

all the best. let me know how it goes.

Amazon product ASIN B007M291J0

Thanks for the solutions, i will test it
En général la tren fait baisser l"IGF-1 j'ai toujours eu ce phénomène avec.
Comme dit précédemment, la tren stressé le foie donc je pense que c'est normal.
À mon avis sous tren on devrait prendre de l'increlex.
Tout à fait.

A dosage équivalent, pds le même jour, avec le même rythme de vie, le même dosage, et bien ton igf1 sera différent contrairement au sérum gh qui sera identique.
Comme tu le dis, ça dépend énormément de la capacité du foie à convertir à ce moment précis, sans compter les produits par ailleurs qui peuvent influer sur son bon fonctionnement
Ok , donc j'ai eu le meme probleme, en fait on lit partout que la pds c'est 2h aprés si on fait en im mais en fait j'ai vu dans une etudes plus vieilles ( qui elle est tres complete comparées à celles qu on trouve qui nous parlent des 2h a attendre) que le taux maxi de gh serait lui aussi atteind 3h aprés et l igf-1 suivrait , toi comme moi je penses qu on a fait nos pds trop tot en im .
Dite moi par curiosite les gas leur prix ont augmenter?
Non parce quil y a quelque mois jai recu un mail annoncant des lots de black contenant apparament 18iu a un prix et dans le mail d'aujourdhui y'a 10e de plus pour des bach molns doses lol je voulais savoir si cetait normal peut etre ai-je mal compris?
[QUOTE = "Yorka, post: 552090, member: 12394"] Tell me by curiosity the gas prices have increased?
No because a few months ago I received an email announcing batches of black apparently containing 18iu at a price and in the mail today is 10e more for bach molns doses lol I wanted to know if cetait normal can be ai I misunderstood? [/ QUOTE]

Yes little increase it was in feb bro been some time, 7 months or so, not recent. We are still cheaper and better GH then the competition. Increase is due to Euros and GBP fighting over brexit bullshit almost 1:1 to usd as my final collection happens in USD and I get less. thats why i have to pass the cost to consumer. Like I said for legit Meditrope that is the best price in Europe vs the competition. thanks
Everyone buys at that price and are happy to do so as it's still a good bargain. thanks
[QUOTE = "Yorka, post: 552090, member: 12394"] Tell me by curiosity the gas prices have increased?
No because a few months ago I received an email announcing batches of black apparently containing 18iu at a price and in the mail today is 10e more for bach molns doses lol I wanted to know if cetait normal can be ai I misunderstood? [/ QUOTE]

Yes little increase it was in feb bro been some time, 7 months or so, not recent. We are still cheaper and better GH then the competition. Increase is due to Euros and GBP fighting over brexit bullshit almost 1:1 to usd as my final collection happens in USD and I get less. thats why i have to pass the cost to consumer. Like I said for legit Meditrope that is the best price in Europe vs the competition. thanks
Everyone buys at that price and are happy to do so as it's still a good bargain. thanks
Ok merci de m'avoir repondu.
J’ai parlé avec meditrope a cause d un petit probleme qui viens peut etre de moi on sera jamais vraiment. Et je dois dire qu’ils sont droits et honnêtes, leur support et communication est top !
Voila il faut etre juste et montré quand les revendeurs sont de vrais pro !
[QUOTE = "trenda95, post: 552155, member: 11532"] I spoke with meditrope because of a small problem that may come from me we will never really. And I must say that they are straight and honest, their support and communication is top!
Here it is necessary to be fair and shown when the retailers are real pro! [/ QUOTE]

Thanks for your feedback and support buddy. Customer satisfaction and happiness is of paramount importance to us. This year Genotec Labs have been in business for 9 successful years with a huge customer base spanning all over USA,EU,UK and this would not have been possible without the loyalty and support from you guys. Thank you to all of you :) I just wanted to say this to each and everyone of you.
Salut gros ,
T’as du nouveau dans tes recherches concernant ces douleurs ?

J’ai eu le même problème avec le susta 500 de MR ,grosse douleurs sur 4 ou 5 jours et lendemain de l’injection un sorte d’état grippal !!?
Et aprioris ce n’est pas du qu à la concentration car même en injectant 0,5ml même topo ...
J’ai fait un peu de recherche et je n’ai rien trouvé ...

Si je suis sensible à certaines choses ,comme toi ,je vais m’abstenir de commander leur produits car vraiment trop pénible !
Dommage la qualité a l’air top et le prix aussi ....

Hey buddy is that Test 500 which is 500 mg per ml or Sustanon which is 350 mg per ml ? Please clarify. The reason I ask is because u mention susta 500 and our Sustanon is not 500 mg. You must be talking about Test 500 correct ? Pls let me know. Thanks
[QUOTE = "Baron, post: 552303, member: 15880"] No, he was talking about [USER = 467] @musclesfax [/ USER] sustanon that is 500mg [/ QUOTE]

Really thanks for your input pal. I wonder why the bro is writing this in my thread then. He also send me a private message regd this !lol I have no idea then why . Anyway I am going to have to ask him to delete it and take up with the source he bought the products from. Thanks again
[QUOTE = "Ced7, post: 552200, member: 16685"] Hi big,
Are you new to your research concerning these pains?

I had the same problem with the susta 500 MR, big pain over 4 or 5 days and the day after the injection a kind of flu condition !!?
And a priori it is not that the concentration because even injecting 0.5ml even topo ...
I did a little research and I did not find anything ...

If I am sensitive to certain things, like you, I will abstain from ordering their products because really too painful!
Too bad the quality looks top and the price too .... [/ QUOTE]

Hey, I have replied to your private message this but as the gentleman above pointer out it's not my product so pls take it up with the source u ordered from and please delete your lost from my thread. It's not needed here. People reading here could easily be mistaken and think you are talking about my products. Please I kindly request you to delete it from here and take it up with your source in their respective thread. Thanks
[QUOTE = "Ced7, post: 552200, member: 16685"] Hi big,
Are you new to your research concerning these pains?

I had the same problem with the susta 500 MR, big pain over 4 or 5 days and the day after the injection a kind of flu condition !!?
And a priori it is not that the concentration because even injecting 0.5ml even topo ...
I did a little research and I did not find anything ...

If I am sensitive to certain things, like you, I will abstain from ordering their products because really too painful!
Too bad the quality looks top and the price too .... [/ QUOTE]

Hey, I have replied to your private message this but as the gentleman above pointer out it's not my product so pls take it up with the source u ordered from and please delete your lost from my thread. It's not needed here. People reading here could easily be mistaken and think you are talking about my products. Please I kindly request you to delete it from here and take it up with your source in their respective thread. Thanks
I think he want to say that he has some problems with pip with sustanon 500mg about @musclesfax, but as musclesfax says, sustanon 500mg it's very high per ml, so pip is normal for this, and the guy says, if I have so much pip with sustanon 500mg, I would probably have pip with meditrope stuff like Wesley had..
Oui c’est exactement ça ,merci ;-)
Tu as compris mon message juste après en anglais? En faite c'est normal d'avoir de la douleur avec un produit aussi concentré que ça, 500mg c'est beaucoup par ml, même musclesfax le dit, mais ça veut pas dire que tu vas aussi avoir mal avec meditrope, wesley comme lui l'a dit, il est l'un des rares à avoir de la douleur, d'après les retours ya pas de douleur connu autre que @Wesley
[QUOTE = "Ced7, post: 552200, member: 16685"] Hi big,
Are you new to your research concerning these pains?

I had the same problem with the susta 500 MR, big pain over 4 or 5 days and the day after the injection a kind of flu condition !!?
And a priori it is not that the concentration because even injecting 0.5ml even topo ...
I did a little research and I did not find anything ...

If I am sensitive to certain things, like you, I will abstain from ordering their products because really too painful!
Too bad the quality looks top and the price too .... [/ QUOTE]

Hey, I have replied to your private message this but as the gentleman above pointer out it's not my product so pls take it up with the source u ordered from and please delete your lost from my thread. It's not needed here. People reading here could easily be mistaken and think you are talking about my products. Please I kindly request you to delete it from here and take it up with your source in their respective thread. Thanks
Désolé vous n’avez pas compris mon message !
Je vais l’effacer mais ce n’était en rien une critique ,ni pour vous et encore moins pour la source en question , c’est seulement moi qui ne supporte pas le produit !
Tu as compris mon message juste après en anglais? En faite c'est normal d'avoir de la douleur avec un produit aussi concentré que ça, 500mg c'est beaucoup par ml, même musclesfax le dit, mais ça veut pas dire que tu vas aussi avoir mal avec meditrope, wesley comme lui l'a dit, il est l'un des rares à avoir de la douleur, d'après les retours ya pas de douleur connu autre que @Wesley
Oui j’ai compris et je te remercie beaucoup d’avoir compris et expliqué le sens de mon message ...

Je ne critique aucun produits ni aucune source ,je dit seulement que je ne supporte pas certains produits et me pose la question si oui ou non je supporterai cette huile ...?
Oui j’ai compris et je te remercie beaucoup d’avoir compris et expliqué le sens de mon message ...

Je ne critique aucun produits ni aucune source ,je dit seulement que je ne supporte pas certains produits et me pose la question si oui ou non je supporterai cette huile ...?
Tu sais de quoi ça pourrait venir ta douleur à certains prods? Parce que le susta 500mg c'est à cause de la concentration du prod, pas de la composition par exemple

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