Well-Known Member
Je l’ai lu récemment franchement pas mal, et j’ai commencé les training, séance courte mais intenses, je préfère ça au gros volume
Je vais essayer sous peu aussi.
L'IFBB Pro Beef Stu est sur le forum profesionnalMuscle et il a partagé son training qui va dans ce sens.
Le type en question
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just recently modified my split to have a full dedicated arm day. all these damn pros have gigantic arms and I need to work on em more.
split is:
pull (thickness w/ deadlifts and leg touchup work)
back width, mostly lat movements)
legs (full leg day w/ quads+hams)
I do low volume, high intensity for the most part. do a bit more volume on arm training usually.
so like my current push day is:
lying lateral raise x3 sets
incline smith press x2
machine flat chest press x2
cable fly/pec deck x2-3
DB or Cable lateral raise x3
3 tricep exercises, 3 sets each.
used to have two push days similar to this, but I wanted to add in the full on arm day so I ditched the 2 push days
my pull day with the legs is probably one of the harder days I do
side grip lat pulldown x2
chest supported t-bar row x2
conventional deadlift x2
seated cable row x2
cable pullover x2-3
leg extensions x3
seated ham curl x2
occasionally will do adductors here too
no biceps on this day because I go arms 2 days later
will add in dropsets/intensifiers occasionally depending on how I'm feeling/recovering
Voilà pour le training qu'il utilise