Journal de progression dvnfit666

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Un ami en prend des peptides il m'a donné son retour d'expérience niveau libido, sommeil, récupe et leanmass il est heureux (...)
Moi je pensais à perdre toute la masse musculaire, tous le travail acquis, toute la force....on revenait à l'âge de pierre quoi hahhaha
Pour le shutdown t'es fou quand-même pas
Les premiers signes c'est purement altération de la fonction sexuelle
Problèmes d'érections

Quand j'étais à 40mg ça allait puis passe le cap des 60mg j'ai vu ce que le mot shutdown représentait lol testicules petite comme des raisins :p
Mon ami IRL m'avait bien vendu sa GH quand-même
Et il a 10 ans de cures de stéroïdes oraux et injections confondus
Comparés à ce qu'il faisait avant il a décidé de ne plus que tourner en GH
Après je répète mon but n'est pas de devenir plus énorme
Mais qq kg aux jambes , faire du lean , monter en performance et recup et si possible booster ma libido la GH répondrait à mes besoins
Oui poto j'ai fais light la pct que je regrette maintenant car j'étais en manque de stock honte à moi mais j'ai fais :

Clomid 25mg ED sur 4 semaines
Nolvadex 20mg ED sur 4 semaines

Prochaine je ferais
Clomid 50mg ED sur 4 semaines
Nolvadex 20mg ED sur 4 semaines
Et peut-être selon article de Thor j'ajouterai le exemestane qui peut être utile même en PCT selon ce que j'avais lu sur MEM et un autre article mensandhealth
Je pense aussi que la relance PCT est optionnelle en fonction de plusieurs facteurs..
1) la dose max d'Anavar que l'on a prise en cure
2)le poid, l'âge, etc
3) L'effet ressenti sur les testicules
Et 4, ceux qui n'ont pas de copine, qui ne veulent pas ou plus de mômes
Euh pour moi la relance n'est pas optionnelle poto
Simplement j'avais merdé dans mes préparations de stock
Pour la prochaine cure je ferais une PCT plus puissante , je tolère bien les 2 médicaments
j'ai lu sur plusieurs articles que la relance n'était pas nécessaire pour l'anavar, d'ailleurs la plupart des site le vende sans pct..Mais de toute façon rien n'empêche dans faire une..
Oui je garde un carnet (calendrier) de cure.. j'y mets même mes ressentis persos genre forme, fatigue, dièt, humeur etc...
Poto lis l'article bien fait Anavar Myth d'elitefitness... une PCT n'est pas optionnel pour anavar crois-moi c'est une fausse idée
Je remet

#1 - Vascularity Oxandrolone will make you veiny as all hell. And quickly. Look out for brand new bulging forearms veins by around day 6. If you are following a cutting regimen, expect new spider webs in your chest, shoulders and quads by around day 21.

#2 - Pumps When on Anavar (var) , the pumps are constant. Bored sitting in class/at work? Do some unweighted calf raises. After about three minutes, your calves will be ready to pop. Youll be doing something like drinking a cup of water, and after a minute of holding it, your bi will be completely full and pumped. You may have to cut some sets short in the gym due to the painful pumpage.

#3 - Strength Even when cutting, you can expect new strength gains every workout after about day 14-21.

#4 - Fat Loss Ana Anavar (var) has been shown to contribute to accelerated fat loss in both subcutaneous and visceral fat, concentrated effects in the abdomen and thigh area. And if youve used the drug, you can attest to this...if you cant sport the 6-8 pack look on Anavar (var) , its not gonna happen .

MYTHS Myth #1 - Anavar (var) will not suppress the HPTA. False. Ana Anavar (var) , used in adequate dosages, will shut you down. To what degree you experience side effects of suppression (loss of libido, lethargy) is entirely dependent upon the individual and the dosages used.

Myth #2 - Anavar (var) is a weak anabolic, and is not effective unless stacked with a more androgenic compound. This could not be further from the truth. At dosages of 40mg a day and higher, ana Anavar (var) is incredibly effective at adding water free LBM. At around day 6-7, increased vascularity should become apparent (assuming your oxandrolone is legitimate in its dosing), and strength gains should start appearing around day 14.

Myth #3 - Ana Anavar (var) will not require any type of PCT. Anavar (var) will not require any type of PCT. This is one ive never understood. It's a pretty commonly known fact now that Anavar (var) is a suppressive compound. So why is it that some individuals still refuse to make a small investment in some clomid/nolva....this is your testicular function we're talking about. That said, PCT required for Anavar (var) is not as "heavy" as PCT for, say, a test/eq cycle. 15-20 days @ 50mg clomid should be sufficient.


The only real issue of concern that i have found when running ana Anavar (var) alone is slight libido suppression. Ana Anavar (var) is suppressive enough to where you WILL feel a difference in your sex drive (and not for the better ) when using 40+mg a day. There are three options to counteract this.

#1 - Tribulus + Avena Sativa - Trib at 4-7g a day and Avena Sativa at 3-4g a day tend to help prevent any loss in performance or ability to get it up. However, using effective dosages is going to end up being as or more expensive than options 2 or 3...but its your call.

#2 - Proviron - If hairloss is an issue in your choice to use ana Anavar (var) , then you may want to avoid this one. But 25mg ED proviron, starting after week 2, will keep you rock hard. And it will help to harden up your muscles too .

#3 - Maintenance Test Dosage - Finally, you could choose to use testosterone to keep your willy in shape. At a dosage of around 200mg, split bi weekly, everything should keep running smoothly. Also, this will contribute to your gains much moreso than than options 1 or 2. I would keep nolva onhand on the off chance that you are severely gyno prone. Bloating should not be an issue at this dosage. CYCLE

Ana Anavar (var) should be run @ at least 40mg a day to see all of the benefits it offers. Dosages upwards of 80mg have been shown to exhibit diminishing returns. Also, i cant imagine the intensity of the pumps at that kind of dosage.

Cycle #1 Ana Anavar (var) 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8 Tribulus 5-8g ED Weeks 1-12 Avena Sativa 2-4g ED Weeks 1-12 Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

Cycle #2 Ana Anavar (var) 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8 Proviron 25mg ED Weeks 3-8 Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

Cycle #3 Ana Anavar (var) 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8 Test Prop 50mg EOD Weeks 1-8 Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

If bulking, Test Enanthate could be substituted for prop, and 100mg could be injected every 3-4 days...however, this could cause more bloating, and complicate PCT timing.

LIVER PROTECTION Anavar (var) is a 17 Alpha Alkylated steroid, and is toxic. It has been shown to be less toxic than other orals, and is even used as liver treatment for recovering alcoholics. Still, i would limit my time using it to 8 weeks, 10 at the most.

It would be beneficial to you liver to use several different OTC supplements during, and perhaps after your cycle. A few preventive measures never hurt anyone .

1 - Milk Thistle The classic liver protectant herb.supposedly works by blocking the entrance of harmful substances to liver cells, and hastening their expulsion. Make sure there is a high standardization of Silymarin

2 - R ALA A powerful antioxidant

3 - NAC Supports liver function and production of l-glutathione

4 - Vitamin C and E Antioxidants

5 - LOADS of water Helps to flush out your entire system


Anavar (var) isnt going to kill your cholesterol levels like some drugs (winny being one of the worst), but it may put your LDL/HDL profiles outside of the normal range. There are a few things that help, but as long as your not using 60+mg daily or running it for more than 10 weeks, i would just use flax...

100mg anavar solo 8 weeks 175cm, 111kg bf 14% 100mg ED ( 50mg @ 8am, 30mg @ 5pm, 20mg @ 11pm ) Going to run this cycle for 8weeks straight stacking with Creatine, Milk Thistle, Multivitiman, Zinc & Protein. Day 8 - had sat/sunday off as i dont train... had chest and triceps today.. WOW.. last week i couldnt bench 90kg for no more than 4reps.. i just got 90kg for 6reps and a solid 100kg for 4reps.. the ease at which it felt was insance and afterwards my chest felt like i had been working it for 2hrs straight. all of my lifts were up by 8-10kg on every exercise.

Day 21 - Chest & Triceps,, Flat bench i hit 110kg for 3reps.. i could have got 4/5reps but my tricep kicked out and i lost the momentum, still.. its a 5kg increase from last week.. doesnt sound alot buy you defo feel it. broke all other lifts too espically on triceps and they are starting to looking pretty defined now, i am hoping my bf% is down to about 10% now.. sides - LAZYNESS.. the drag of getting out of the bed in the morning is killing me.. also back pumps is pretty painful sometimes. few red pimples but no shutdown yet.. still got another 5weeks on so hoping for more results. day off today. back and biceps tomorrow. looking forward to some chins as i love the pump. Day 35 - Chest & Trics, flat bench i hit 125kg for 2reps.. i could have got 3 maybe 4 back pumps still driving me insane started taurine 7g to combat it... i have broken the 10% bf barrier tricep biceps much more defined an my vascularity has increase i added proviron bc my winkie stopped winking an my lady friend isnt happy pump is insane!

Day 42 - back & biceps, lat pulldowns got my lats blown up! i have 2 walk sideways 2 get out the door lol.. biceps are stronger an i can rep the sh*t outta curls they are 3/4 increased in size which is incredible at my weight & the fact im cutting. back pumps are less than befor taurine must be workin libido is back has to be bc of proviron i felt it even more today my lady got the d! lol i still feel alittle lethergic thou...

Day 56 -i start pct tomarrow i am at 8.73%bf & i weigh 104kg
Tu vas la commander à quel lab?
Hâte d'avoir tes retours sur cette molécule adulé par certains et détesté par d'autres
Perso je l'adore sauf le côté shutdown mais il faut que je trouve la parade tant que je ne franchis pas le cap de l'injection de testostérone
Je n'ai pas fais de PDS pour le moment, je dois justement en faire une la semaine prochaine. J
Je les ai acheté chez UK peptide..
En ce qui concerne l'injection, au début j'ai eu beaucoup d'appréhension et de questions...Mais j'ai consulté pas mal de tuto sur internet et j'ai fait ma 1ere injection tranquillement chez moi, la 1ere fois que tu te piques tu oublies que tu n'es pas sensé fermer les yeux ou détourner le regard comme si tu étais au labo hahaha:D:D.
Alors tu mets du scotch sur tes yeux pour pas les fermer (je plaisante hein) et ensuite tu passes le coton alcool et tu mets ta seringue juste devant ta peau et la tu attends d'avoir le courage de la faire entrer "volontairement" dans ta propre chair...:confused:. Tu manques de t'évanouir, mais la non plus tu ne dois pas...tu ne peux pas,,,
Et après 20 mn debout comme un con dans ma chambre avec mon aiguille dans la main le tshirt entre les dents ;) tu te piques dans la graisse du ventre et tu te rends compte que tu viens de te faire une injection et que c'est très simple, sans douleur, rien...maintenant au bout de 2 mois je la fais tellement vite que quelques fois je ne sais même plus de quelle côté ni si même je l'ai faite
Oui sous cutané c'est idéal comme mon pote IRL me le disait
Intramuscu et selon le type de stero que tu injectes c'est pas terrible et douleureux selon 2 amis winstrol par ex

Moi la GH m'interpelle le reste voilà quoi ça me dit rien
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