Journal de progression dvnfit666

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J'ai une question pour vous les potos

Je vais prochainement faire une pds endo peut-être vendredi

Si l'on voit que je suis bas en endo et vu que j'ai pas fais de relance depuis début d'année passee je réfléchissais à quelle type de relance faire
Standard ou clomid only ? On verra à la pds de tte
Sauf si ton axe est crashé (ce qui m'étonnerait), inutile de faire une relance lourde.
Moi à ta place si vraiment t'es en low testo j'essaierai une relance light : clomid 25mg ED sur 2 semaines. Pds 3 semaines après et tu vois en fonction.
Tu fais 50mg EOD sinon poto. La demie-vie du clomid est de 5 jours donc ça ne devrait pas trop poser de problèmes...
Mais je pense pas avoir une baisse
L'organisme ce n'est pas un robot , peut-être que j'étais un peu plus bas à ce moment donné lors de ma pds d'il y a 10 jours mais ça veut rien dire ... Le fait d'être en flirte avec le surentrainement ces derniers temps ça peut aussi jouer
Là je me sens déjà de moins en moins avec cette petite fatigue bien pesante depuis que je fais 1 jour de repos et que j'ai rechangé mon training en ppl/off/ul/cardio

Comme disait kgil avant tout idée de proto clomid low dose il faut changer certains facteurs de stress fatigue et autre et refaire pds

C'est ce que je vais faire poto;)
En tout cas niveau érections libido ça va bien
Salut poto

J'arrive pas à me rendre compte ce que ça donnerait ton training

Tu as un exemple de ta routine?
Comme viper ta dit poto c’est
Lundi : Haut
Mardi : Bas
Mercredi : Repos
Jeudi : Haut
Vendredi : Bas
Samedi : Repos
Dimanche : Repos

Et alterner avec la semaine suivante un split sur 5 jours. :)
Voilà ce que je vais faire tester à ma prochaine PDS
Fonction hépatique
- Bilirubine total (conjuguée + libre)
- Phosphatase alcaline
- Alphafoetoprotéine
- Taux sanguin de prothrombine
- Facteur V

Bilan lipidique
- Cholestérol total
- Cholestérol HDL
- Cholestérol LDL
- Triglycérides

Fonction rénale
- Créatinine
- Urée

Bilan endocrinologique
- Testostérone libre (biodisponible)
- Œstradiol
- LH
- Sex hormone binding globuline
- Indice d’androgène libre

Axe Thyroïdien (hypothalamo-hypophyso-thyroïdien)
- t3
- T4

J'ai pris certaines info de là et de havah

Si vous voyez qqch manquant je suis preneur
Tain il est fort le mec qui s'est envoyé cela

[Open Access] Severe Cholestasis and Bile Acid Nephropathy From Anabolic Steroids Successfully Treated With Plasmapheresis

A 31-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for mild confusion, severe pruritus, jaundice, and Acute kidney injury (AKI). Sixteen weeks prior to presentation, he started an Herbal and Dietary Supplement (HDS) regimen for weight loss and muscle building.

On average, he consumed 22 capsules per day from 8 different HDS bottles containing at least 80 ingredients, including a cumulative daily dose (104 mg) of anabolic steroids 4-chloro-17αmethyl-andro-4-ene-3,17β-diol (50 mg) and 2α,3αepithio-17αmethyl-51-androstan-17β-ol (54 mg). After reporting fatigue and change in skin color to his local gastroenterologist, HDS was stopped due to suspected drug-induced liver injury.

He was hospitalized for severe jaundice with total bilirubin of 53 mg/dL. Viral, autoimmune, and inherited causes of liver disease were ruled out. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ruled out biliary tract pathology or obstruction. Liver biopsy showed significant cholestasis and mild intraparenchymal neutrophilic infiltrate in hepatocytes surrounding the central veins with no significant necrosis, bile duct injury, or steatosis.

Supportive care was provided with intravenous (IV) fluids for pre-renal azotemia, while hydroxyzine, cholestyramine, ursodiol, sertraline, naloxone, and topical emollients were sequentially used for pruritus, with minimal relief. He was started on IV solumedrol 30 mg daily with no improvement in jaundice after 11 days.

Over 2 subsequent hospitalizations he continued to have AKI (creatinine 2 mg/dL), persistent jaundice (total bilirubin 46.5 mg/dL), and uncontrolled pruritus. He lost 100 lbs, developed severe insomnia due to pruritus, reported hallucinations, and was re-admitted for concerns of encephalopathy and liver failure. Exam revealed a chronically ill-appearing man with a flat affect, scleral icterus, and pronounced jaundice. He was well-oriented to questions but displayed asterixis.

He had no tender hepatomegaly, but had extensive excoriations on his torso and extremities induced by pruritus. He had temporal wasting and loss of adipose tissue in his arms and abdomen. Laboratory results during his third hospital admission included an albumin level of 4.7 mg/dL and a prothrombin time of 9.5 s.

We highlight the use of plasmapheresis resulting in rapid improvement in cholestatic jaundice with resolution of AKI. Plasmapheresis should be considered in special cases in which there is progressive clinical decline despite supportive care.

Flores A, Nustas R, Nguyen HL, Rahimi RS. Severe Cholestasis and Bile Acid Nephropathy From Anabolic Steroids Successfully Treated With Plasmapheresis. ACG Case Rep J 2016;3(2):133-5. Severe Cholestasis and Bile Acid Nephropathy From Anabolic Steroids Successfully Treated With Plasmapheresis | ACG Case Reports Journal - An online journal of case reports edited by gastroenterology & hepatology fellows
We report the case of a 37-year-old European Caucasian man, who was admitted to our hospital after developing acute severe jaundice and itching, but without fever or chill. Furthermore, he reported passing dark urine simultaneously. During admission, he admitted to have self-administered high doses of stanozolol (Winstrol®) by injections (intramuscularly, three times a week) for three weeks prior to the onset of symptoms.

On admission, physical examination revealed jaundice. The biochemical test showed serum levels of bilirrubin of 19.16 mg/dL (normally <1) (direct fraction 15.84 mg/dL), with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 45 U/L (normally 5---37), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 58 U/L (normally 5---41), alkaline phosphatase (AP) 152 U/L (normally 40---129) and gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT) 19 U/L (normally 10---66). An ultrasound scan of the abdomen was performed, showing a normal volume of the liver and no evidence of biliary dilation.

The patient was provided with supportive medical treatment and showed a good progress. Eight weeks after discontinuation of stanozolol, biochemical tests gradually improved, itching disappeared and he was completely asymptomatic. Finally, in three months, all tests were normal. Therefore, clinical signs and laboratory findings improved substantially in following weeks after discontinuation of stanozolol.

Ampuero J, Garcia ES, Lorenzo MM, Calle R, Ferrero P, Gomez MR. Stanozolol-induced bland cholestasis. Gastroenterol Hepatol. Stanozolol-induced bland cholestasis
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