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Je peut pas être trop explicite pour pas griller la source mais clairement c'est top lvl pour pas être emmerder
La plus part des vendeurs ne protègent / cachent pas les envois, même quand ça vient de en dehors de l'europe. C'est comme ça à 90% et y a pas de soucis.

Le paquet catcafé est super et très beau ! Mais pour l'intérieur de l'europe, y a pas besoin. Un simple emballage bien protégé avec bulle, y a pas de soucis, c'est rapide.
Pour les commandes hors europe, peut être que des frais supplémentaires pour un super stealth peuvent être mis en place.
I apologize for posting in english, for this serious matter I want to avoid all possible EN > FR google translation errors.

I've asked the customer if I was allowed to discuss this matter publically because I really want to hear community input, and perhaps someone here has insight into Chronopost FR by chance and can help.

A customer from this community claims to not have received his very expensive order, which was sent by DPD and delivered by their partner Chronopost FR. The tracking on both couriers websites shows that it was delivered on the morning of the 4th of August and Chronopost has an image of the signature of the recipient, which shows the correct name.

Four days later on Sunday evening, the 8th of August, the customer mails me that the parcel was not delivered as stated and he never received any notification (which makes sense as the parcel was signed for), nor did any of his neighbours or anyone he knows accept it (which makes sense as they wouldn't have signed with his name).

We both contacted the respective courier services support, DPD hasn't responded yet and Chronopost apparently said the sender is responsible for filing a complaint to launch an investigation into the matter.

Those are the events so far, here are some of my thoughts on the matter:

1. I wonder if the delivery worker for Chronomail discloses to the person they hand the parcel to for signing what the full name of the recipient stated on the parcel is, as it's clearly signed with the correct name.

2. I initially thought the thief, if there was one, must be an acquaintance of the customer to some extent as this specific parcel was many times more expensive than the average order, but the customer says noone knew of the order at all.

3. If it was stolen, the police would get involved, which is bad for everyone involved for many reasons.

My impression is that the customer would like me to take responsibility for the parcel supposedly not arriving. I'm currently clueless how I could possibly find out the truth and keep myself safe, and if I was to compensate the customer in good faith, I would probably have to close shop here as this would set a precedence for any customer successfully claiming they've not received their order despite the signature stating otherwise.

I'd be thankful for all opinions and advice, as this has never happened to me before.
My impression is that the customer would like me to take responsibility for the parcel supposedly not arriving. I'm currently clueless how I could possibly find out the truth and keep myself safe, and if I was to compensate the customer in good faith, I would probably have to close shop here as this would set a precedence for any customer successfully claiming they've not received their order despite the signature stating otherwise.

I'd be thankful for all opinions and advice, as this has never happened to me before.

The first thing to know : is your client well known here?
It's not rare to see people trying to steal seller but it's rarer to have a " well known member " doing it

Therefore I think it highly depends on who's you're having trouble with

If the member is not really well known here it's possible that he's trying to rob you
I know a lot of people who say they did not receive their orders. In the purpose to get full refund.
They do that to amazon, ebay, aas sources, any kind of shop.

If chronopost has an image of the signature of the recipient, which shows the correct name. BIg chance is the customer actually received it.

I will personnaly not accept any kind of compensation when there is a proof of delivery.
Colis suivis remis avec signature chez moi, tout les livreurs tel qu'il soit le dépôt à l'accueil et point barre, je ne suis pas présent lors de leur passage....
Pour l'instant tous se passe bien mais ce n'es pas normal de la part des livreurs....
Est-ce la vraie signature de la personne ?
sinon il peuvent mettre votre nom de famille et basta c'est livré ....
Est-ce la vraie signature de la personne ?
sinon il peuvent mettre votre nom de famille et basta c'est livré ....
Je me demande si le livreur vérifie la signature par rapport à la pièce d'identité. Dans tous les cas, un voleur devrait intercepter le colis avant qu'il n'atteigne la porte et faire croire au chauffeur-livreur qu'il est également le destinataire prévu.

Si cela s'est produit, cela a dû être un travail de l'intérieur, je pense.

C'est ce qu'il faut pour que le sujet s'éloigne de DHB.
Non il vérifie pas la signature tu peut même dessiner un chibre sur le terminal qu’il accepterait.
Donc la signature prouve pas que c’est lui ni que c’est pas lui.

le problème est déjà arrivé à un mec récemment avec un colis de Deus et Freezer lui a gentiment dit que Robert rembourserait rien du tout que la source était pas responsable.
Chose compréhensible même si dans le cas où le client dit la vérité c’est triste
ça t'est arrivé ?
Perso jamais, même pour des livraisons d'armes ou quoi
Oui ça arrive, mais rarement. Souvent les grosses compagnies comme ups.
Mais la dernière fois j'ai eu colis privé qui ma cassé la tête parce que mon nom été pas sur la boitte lettre, et il a fini par me demander ma pièce identité. Colis amazon.

Par contre des milliers de commandes, dont certaines perdu, jamais eu l'histoire de quelqu'un qui signe pour moi.
jamais eu de vérification d identitee même pour récupérer un colis au nom de ma concubine. et on peut signer n'importe quoi, ils vérifient pas
Des fois les livreurs jettent le paquet dans le jardin ou le mettent dans la boite si ca rentrer et signe eux même du nom de destinataire. Ça ne devrait pas arriver mais ca m’est déjà arrivé.
Des retours sur leurs boldo 500 ? Elle me
A dosage très haut
Tester enfin

1,5g sur 14/15 week

des promotions futures mdr
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